This capability requires Rules Engine - Advanced Rules which must be purchased separately. Contact your CDN account manager to activate it.
Category: Specialty
Purpose: Tunes your caching configuration to optimize performance for live streams and to reduce the load on the origin server.
Key information:
Configure this feature by setting the Enabled option to Yes.
Enabled | Result |
Yes |
Applies an optimized caching configuration to your HTTP streaming requests. |
No |
This state is disallowed. Policies that contain a rule with this feature set to "No" cannot be deployed. |
This feature cannot be disabled. Since this feature should not be enabled for VOD streaming, it is important to configure your match conditions so that they are not satisfied by VOD playback requests.
Sample Scenario:
One way to only apply this feature to live streams is to place it below a URL Path Regex match condition that is configured as follows:
Setting | Value |
Result |
Match |
Value |
Ignore Case |
yes |
The above configuration will only apply this feature for Dynamic Cloud Packaging live streaming playback requests.
This feature may only be used with the following match conditions:
Default Behavior: Disabled. Your cache configuration will determine the caching behavior for HTTP streaming requests.