The set of actions that will be applied to a particular type of request may be defined by simply adding one or more features to the conditional statement that identifies the desired request type.
Learn more about setting up match conditions.
Features are organized by category. A brief description for each category is provided below.
Category | Description |
This category contains the Comment feature which allows notes to be added to a rule. |
This category may be used to define caching, compression, and bandwidth throttling policies. The most common usage for this type of feature is to determine whether content will be cached and for how long. |
This category may be used to define the type of data that is stored in a raw log file. This category is intended only for accounts on which raw log file support has been activated and raw log file archival has been enabled. Please contact your CDN account manager to find out more information on raw log file activation. |
This category may be used to define access control (e.g., deny access to content or secure it via Token-Based Authentication). |
This category may be used to define request and response header behavior (e.g., set or delete header data). | |
This category may be used to define advanced actions through which a custom configuration for a specialized need may be achieved. |
This category may be used to define the instructions provided by an edge server to an origin server. |
This category may be used to redirect and rewrite request URLs. |