Category: Request
Purpose: Identifies requests that originate from a particular IP address.
Key information:
Specify multiple IP addresses and/or IP address blocks by delimiting each one with a single space.
The syntax for an IP address block is the base IP address followed by a forward slash and the prefix size.
IPv6 Example: 1:2:3::0/48 matches any requests arriving from 1:2:3:0:0:0:0:0 through 1:2:3:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff.
IPv6 address blocks should not be fully shortened. As shown in the above example, a trailing 0 is required when shortening fields that consist of 0's.
The Result option determines whether this condition will be met when a client's IP address is a "match" or does not match the specified IP address(es).
Due to the manner in which cache settings are tracked, this match condition is incompatible with the following features: