Our CDN service identifies the location from which a user requests your content through the user's IP address. Several CDN features rely on this location information to secure your content, perform custom actions, or to generate report data. However, certain IP addresses are not specific to a particular country, rather they are spread out over an entire region (i.e., Europe or Asia/Pacific). In those cases, country-specific actions or report data will exclude those requests.
This behavior affects the following features:
A brief description of how this behavior is exhibited in those features is provided below.
The Country Filtering feature uses country codes to define the countries from which a request will be allowed or blocked for a secured directory. Two of the available country codes are "EU" and "AP." These country codes stand for Europe and Asia/Pacific, respectively. However, they cannot be used to allow or block all requests from those regions. Rather, those country codes identify a small subset of requests that originate from IP addresses that are spread out over a region instead of a country.
Allow or block all requests from a particular region by selecting both of the following:
Rules Engine contains a match condition called "Country" that identifies requests by the country from which it originated. One or more countries can be specified for this match condition through country codes. Two of the available country codes are "EU" and "AP." These country codes stand for Europe and Asia/Pacific, respectively. However, they cannot be used to identify all requests from those regions. Rather, those country codes are applied to requests that originate from IP addresses that are spread out over a region instead of a country.
Match all requests from a particular region by specifying both of the following in the Country match condition:
The Analytics suite contains geography-based reports. Those reports may include metrics for any of the following:
The above items are not meant to provide statistical information on all IP addresses in those regions. Rather, they only apply to a small subset of requests that originate from IP addresses that are spread out over the corresponding region (e.g., Europe or Asia/Pacific).