The available set of DNS health check settings can be viewed in the illustration below.
The following table describes the various options that can be defined.
Option | Description |
Health Check Type |
Determines the type of health check that will be performed. The available options are:
Method Type |
HTTP or HTTPS Health Checks Only Determines whether a GET or a POST request will be used to poll health status. Requests used to poll servers will not include a request body. |
HTTP or HTTPS Health Checks Only Determines the URI for the GET/POST request that our health check agents will use to poll health status. The URI's protocol (i.e., http:// or https://) was specified in the Health Check Type option and therefore should not be included in this option. Do not specify a CDN or edge CNAME URL, since these URLs resolve to our network and are therefore unsupported. However, you may configure a health check to point directly to your web servers. |
IP Version |
HTTP or HTTPS Health Checks Only Determines whether the HTTP/HTTPS request should be performed using IPv4 or IPv6. |
Ipv4 or IPv6 |
TCP or TCP SSL Health Checks Only Defines the IPv4 or IPv6 IP address to which the TCP request will be directed. Do not specify an IP address for a web server within our network (i.e., CDN). |
Port Number |
TCP or TCP SSL Health Checks Only Determines the port over which the request will be performed. Make sure that monitored server(s) allow communication over this port. |
Content Verification |
Defines the set of ASCII characters through which a server's health will be verified. Our health check agents will look for the specified text in the body of the server’s response to a health check request. If this option is left blank, then our servers will simply verify the following:
Seconds Between Checks |
Determines the time interval, in seconds, between polling requests sent by our health check agents to monitored server(s). |
Email Notification |
Determines the email address to which a notification will be sent whenever there is a change in the health state of the server/domain associated with this health check configuration. |
Number of failed Checks |
Each health check agent will attempt to communicate with a monitored server/domain to check whether it can pass a health check. A health check agent will record the results of each attempt (i.e., pass or fail), but it cannot make an assessment on health state until the same result occurs consecutively the number of times specified in this option. Although each health check agent keeps track of whether a server/domain has passed/failed health checks, a majority consensus of all health check agents is required to change its health state. |
Reintegration Method |
Our DNS service will stop distributing traffic to a server/domain that has failed a majority of health checks. This option determines the process through which a server/domain can be reintegrated into a load balancing or failover group. Set this option to one of the following: