Access to the Media Control Center (MCC) is limited to the set of users that have been created for your organization. The MCC users for your organization are assigned a set of privileges by a MCC administrator. These privileges determine the set of pages that may be accessed by a user when he/she logs into the MCC and the set of actions that may be performed when leveraging our REST API.
Privileges only affect actions performed within the MCC or via our REST API.
Privileges associated with a
Please contact your CDN account manager to request the activation of additional services.
Privileges are organized according to how a user may navigate to the corresponding page. View the children associated with a privilege by clicking on it. A child privilege cannot be granted without its parent privilege. Therefore, granting a child privilege will automatically grant all of its parent privileges. This principle is illustrated in the above illustration. Granting the Compression privilege automatically granted both the ADN and the Cache Settings privileges.
A icon indicates that a privilege contains one or more child privileges.
Key information:
Parent privileges only control whether the corresponding menu/page will be available.
For example, if the Defend privilege is enabled and all of its sub-privileges are disabled, then access will be allowed to the Defend menu but you will be unable to access Web Application Firewall
A description and the scope of each privilege are provided below.
Certain privileges only determine whether a menu item will be enabled. If a user navigates to that menu item, then the first child page, as determined by the order in which the permissions are listed below, for which that user has been granted access will be loaded. If all of the children of that parent privilege have been denied to that user, then the user will receive a message indicating insufficient access.
Privilege | Secures | Additional Information |
Dashboard |
Dashboard menu item |
If a user does not have this privilege, then the default start page for that user will be the page associated with the first menu item for which that user has privileges. This is calculated from the left hand side of the page to the right. |
HTTP Large |
HTTP Large menu item |
HTTP Large Object |
HTTP Large Object page Location: HTTP Large | HTTP Large Object |
This privilege does not affect a user's ability to use the URLs that are displayed on this page. |
Customer Origin |
Edge CNAMEs |
Token Auth |
This privilege does not control whether a knowledgeable user with the proper resources (i.e., current encryption key and encoder/decoder) can encrypt and/or decrypt token values. |
Country Filtering |
Country Filtering pageLocation: HTTP Large | Country Filtering |
Cache Settings |
Cache Settings menu itemLocation: HTTP Large | Cache Settings |
Query-String Caching |
Query-String Caching pageLocation: HTTP Large | Cache Settings | Query-String Caching |
Query-String Logging |
Query-String Logging pageLocation: HTTP Large | Cache Settings | Query-String Logging |
Compression |
Compression pageLocation: HTTP Large | Cache Settings | Compression |
HTTP Streaming |
HTTP Streaming menu itemLocation: HTTP Large | HTTP Streaming |
This privilege or its sub-privileges do not affect a user's ability to use publishing point or playback URLs. |
Rules Engine V4.0 |
Purge/Load |
HTTP Small |
HTTP Small menu item |
HTTP Small Object |
HTTP Small Object pageLocation: HTTP Small | HTTP Small Object |
This privilege does not affect a user's ability to use the URLs that are displayed on this page. |
Customer Origin |
Edge CNAMEs |
Token Auth |
This privilege does not control whether a knowledgeable user with the proper resources (i.e., current encryption key and encoder/decoder) can encrypt and/or decrypt token values. |
Country Filtering |
Country Filtering pageLocation: HTTP Small | Country Filtering |
Cache Settings |
Cache Settings menu itemLocation: HTTP Small | Cache Settings |
Query-String Caching |
Query-String Caching pageLocation: HTTP Small | Cache Settings | Query-String Caching |
Query-String Logging |
Query-String Logging pageLocation: HTTP Small | Cache Settings | Query-String Logging |
Compression |
Compression pageLocation: HTTP Small | Cache Settings | Compression |
Rules Engine V4.0 |
Purge/Load |
ADN menu item |
Application Delivery Network |
Application Delivery Network pageLocation: ADN | Application Delivery Network |
This privilege does not affect a user's ability to use the URLs that are displayed on this page. |
Customer Origin |
Edge CNAMEs |
Token Auth |
This privilege does not control whether a knowledgeable user with the proper resources (i.e., current encryption key and encoder/decoder) can encrypt and/or decrypt token values. |
Country Filtering |
Cache Settings |
Query-String Caching |
Query-String Caching pageLocation: ADN | Cache Settings | Query-String Caching |
Query-String Logging |
Query-String Logging pageLocation: ADN | Cache Settings | Query-String Logging |
Compression |
Compression pageLocation: ADN | Cache Settings | Compression |
Rules Engine V4.0 |
Purge/Load |
Security |
Security menu item |
WAF Tier |
WAF Tier menu item |
Dashboard |
Security Application Manager |
Security Application Manager pageLocation: Security | WAF Tier | Security Application Manager |
This privilege contains sub-privileges that determine whether a user may create, edit, delete, or view a Security Application Manager configuration. |
Security Rule Manager |
Security Rule Manager pageLocation: Security | WAF Tier | Security Rule Manager |
Access Rules |
Access Rules pageLocation: Security | WAF Tier | Security Rule Manager | Access Rules |
This privilege contains sub-privileges that determine whether a user may create, edit, delete, or view an access rule. |
Rate Rules |
Rate Rules pageLocation: Security | WAF Tier | Security Rule Manager | Rate Rules |
This privilege contains sub-privileges that determine whether a user may create, edit, delete, or view a rate rule. |
Bot Rules |
Bot Manager pageLocation: Security | WAF Tier | Security Rule Manager | Bot Manager |
This privilege contains sub-privileges that determine whether a user may create, edit, delete, or view a rule for Bot Manager Standard. |
Advanced Bot Rules |
Bot Manager pageLocation: Security | WAF Tier | Security Rule Manager | Bot Manager |
This privilege contains sub-privileges that determine whether a user may create, edit, delete, or view a rule for Bot Manager Advanced. |
Custom Rules |
Custom Rules pageLocation: Security | WAF Tier | Security Rule Manager | Custom Rules |
This privilege contains sub-privileges that determine whether a user may create, edit, delete, or view a custom rule. |
Managed Rules |
Managed Rules pageLocation: Security | WAF Tier | Security Rule Manager | Managed Rules |
This privilege contains sub-privileges that determine whether a user may create, edit, delete, or view a managed rule. |
Storage |
Storage menu item |
This privilege also determines whether a user will be able to authenticate to CDN storage via a third-party SFTP or RSYNC tool. If a user account has access to multiple customer accounts, please limit the user's CDN storage access to a single customer account. |
Route (DNS) |
Route menu item |
Analytics |
Analytics menu item |
Core Reports |
Traffic Summary |
Traffic Summary pageLocation: Analytics | Core Reports | Traffic Summary |
Bandwidth |
Bandwidth menu item (side navigation bar)Location: Analytics | Core Reports | Bandwidth |
Each individual Bandwidth report has a dedicated privilege that controls whether a user will be allowed to access the page on which that report resides. These privileges are listed below.
Data Transferred |
Each individual Data Transferred report has a dedicated privilege that controls whether a user will be allowed to access the page on which that report resides. These privileges are listed below.
Hits |
Hits menu item (side navigation bar)Location: Analytics | Core Reports | Hits |
Each individual Hits report has a dedicated privilege that controls whether a user will be allowed to access the page on which that report resides. These privileges are listed below.
Cache Statuses |
Cache Statuses menu item (side navigation bar)Location: Analytics | Core Reports | Cache Statuses |
Each individual Cache Statuses report has a dedicated privilege that controls whether a user will be allowed to access the page on which that report resides. These privileges are listed below.
Cache Hit Ratio |
Cache Hit Ratio menu item (side navigation bar)Location: Analytics | Core Reports | Cache Hit Ratio |
Each individual Cache Hit Ratio report has a dedicated privilege that controls whether a user will be allowed to access the page on which that report resides. These privileges are listed below.
Cnames |
Cnames menu item (side navigation bar)Location: Analytics | Core Reports | Cnames |
Each individual Cnames report has a dedicated privilege that controls whether a user will be allowed to access the page on which that report resides. These privileges are listed below.
CDN Storage |
CDN Storage menu item (side navigation bar)Location: Analytics | Core Reports | CDN Storage |
Usage |
IPv4/IPv6 |
IPv4/IPv6 menu item (side navigation bar)Location: Analytics | Core Reports | IPv4/IPv6 |
Data Transferred |
IPv4/IPv6 Data Transferred pageLocation: Analytics | Core Reports | IPv4/IPv6 |
DNS Route Reports |
DNS menu item (side navigation bar)Location: Analytics | Core Reports | DNS |
Route Summary Query |
Route Summary Query Count pageLocation: Analytics | Core Reports | DNS |
Notes |
Custom Reports |
Custom Reports menu itemLocation: Analytics | Custom Reports |
Report Codes |
Edge CNAMEs pageLocation: Analytics | Custom Reports | Edge CNAMEs |
Each individual report has a dedicated privilege that controls whether a user will be allowed to access the page on which that report resides. These privileges are listed below.
Notes |
Advanced HTTP Reports |
Advanced HTTP Reports menu itemLocation: Analytics | Advanced HTTP Reports |
HTTP Large Platform |
Each individual Advanced HTTP (HTTP Large) report has a dedicated privilege that controls whether a user will be allowed to access the page on which that report resides. These privileges are listed below.
Notes |
Notes pageLocation: Analytics | Advanced HTTP Reports | Notes |
Advanced ADN Reports |
Advanced ADN Reports menu itemLocation: Analytics | Advanced ADN Reports |
ADN Platform |
Each individual Advanced ADN report has a dedicated privilege that controls whether a user will be allowed to access the page on which that report resides. These privileges are listed below.
Notes |
Notes pageLocation: Analytics | Advanced ADN Reports | Notes |
Advanced Streaming Reports |
Advanced Streaming Reports menu itemLocation: Analytics | Advanced Streaming Reports |
Notes |
Notes pageLocation: Analytics | Advanced Streaming Reports | Notes |
Real-Time Stats |
Real-Time Stats menu itemLocation: Analytics | Real-Time Stats |
Each individual Real-Time Statistics report has a dedicated privilege that controls whether a user will be allowed to access the page on which that report resides. These privileges are listed below.
Edge Performance Analytics |
Edge Performance Analytics menu itemLocation: Analytics | Edge Performance Analytics |
Dashboard |
Dashboard pageLocation: Analytics | Edge Performance Analytics | Dashboard |
HTTP Large Object |
HTTP Large Object pageLocation: Analytics | Edge Performance Analytics | HTTP Large Object |
Each individual HTTP Large (Edge Performance Analytics) report has a dedicated privilege that controls whether a user will be allowed to access the page on which that report resides. These privileges are listed below.
HTTP Small Object |
HTTP Small Object pageLocation: Analytics | Edge Performance Analytics | HTTP Small Object |
Each individual HTTP Small Object (Edge Performance Analytics) report has a dedicated privilege that controls whether a user will be allowed to access the page on which that report resides. These privileges are listed below.
ADN pageLocation: Analytics | Edge Performance Analytics | ADN |
Each individual ADN (Edge Performance Analytics) report has a dedicated privilege that controls whether a user will be allowed to access the page on which that report resides. These privileges are listed below.
Raw Log Settings |
Raw Log Settings menu itemLocation: Analytics | Raw Log Settings |
Real-Time Log Settings |
Real-Time Log Settings menu itemLocation: Analytics | Real-Time Log Settings |
Report Builder |
Report Builder menu itemLocation: Analytics | Report Builder |
Tools |
Tools menu item |
JW Player |
Resources (aka Smooth Streaming Player) |
Smooth Streaming Player pageLocation: Tools | Smooth Streaming Player |
Token Generator |
Video Support Player |
Video Support Player pageLocation: Tools | Video Support Player |
Admin |
Admin menu item |
Users |
In addition to granting access to the Users page, this privilege also allows read-only access to each user's properties. This privilege contains the following sub-privileges:
A user's custom ID may be defined when adding or modifying a user. |
Company |