Once you have created your various bit rate streams, hosted it on IIS, and properly configured our CDN to recognize the IIS virtual directory, you are ready to make it available to your clients.
Note: The player URL is case-sensitive. This means that you should take special care to ensure that the proper case is used.
Note: Please refer to the documentation provided for your Smooth Stream compatible player for precise instructions on how to create/configure it.
A sample HTML code fragment for the Silverlight object is provided below.
In the above HTML code fragment, you will need to replace the following items:
Tip: An alternative to the above player URL is to use an edge CNAME to mask it. This type of configuration requires that you replace the CDN hostname and content access point (e.g., http://wpc.0001.{Base Domain}/800001/CustomerOrigin) with the edge CNAME hostname (e.g., http://www.mydomain.com/). Make sure to append the full path to the Live Smooth Streaming publishing point definition file.