This article explains the legacy version of WAF Essential that will undergo end-of-life on June 30, 2021. Our new version of WAF Essentials expands upon all of the capabilities offered by the legacy version of WAF Essential with a simplified and centralized setup. Please upgrade to the latest version of WAF at your earliest convenience.
The following information is only applicable for the WAF Essential product. This security offering provides limited Web Application Firewall and Rate Limiting functionality.
WAF Essential allows customers with basic security needs to leverage our powerful security solutions to protect their origin servers. WAF Essential allows you to create up to 2 profiles, 1 instance, and 3 rate limiting rules at any given time. This is sufficient to set up a dual WAF configuration through which you may validate a new WAF configuration without compromising the security of your origin servers.
WAF Essential cannot be configured via our APIs. However, you may leverage our APIs to retrieve WAF and Rate Limiting event log data.
Enterprise customers typically find the above limitations too constrictive when tailoring security to fit their business needs. Additional profiles, instances, and rate limiting rules provide the flexibility to tailor your security configuration by traffic profile.
Please contact your CDN account manager to upgrade to the full version.
Setting up WAF requires:
Administer WAF profiles and configure an instance from the WAF Manager page.
Provide additional protection to your web server(s) by setting up a rate limit.
Learn more.
Key information:
You may create up to 2 profiles.
If you would like to replace an existing profile, then you should make the desired changes to it. Alternatively, you may delete the obsolete profile and then create another one.
Please upgrade from WAF Essential to the full version if your business needs require more than 2 profiles. Contact your CDN account manager to learn more.
Production traffic will not be screened by WAF unless both of the following conditions are true:
This section provides step-by-step instructions on how to create a profile.
To create a profile
Click the Policies tab. Set the Security Level option to a level (e.g., Medium) that balances security with risk tolerance. Requests that are scored at or higher than the specified value will be identified as malicious traffic.
Ensure that your web applications are secured by the latest threat detection policies by enabling the Automatically opt-in to the latest ECRS ruleset option.
Learn how to set up a rule exception.
Modifying an existing profile:
A common reason for updating a profile is to reduce false positivesWeb Application Firewall: A false positive is a legitimate request that was identified as malicioius traffic by Web Application Firewall. by adding a rule exception. A rule exception identifies one or more rules that should be ignored for a specific set of requests. Typically, rule exceptions are identified via analysis within the WAF Dashboard.
To modify a profile
Optional. Add one or more rule exceptions.
From the Parameter option, select whether requests will be identified by argument (i.e., query string argument or request body parameter), cookie, or request header.
From the Argument | Cookie | Header Name option, type one of the following values:
A profile may be permanently deleted from the system.
Profiles associated with an instance may not be deleted. Please modify the instance to point to a different profile before attempting to delete the profile.
To delete a profile
Set up an instance that identifies a profile that WAF may use to screen traffic.
It may take up to 5 minutes for an instance configuration to be applied across our entire network.
An instance will not affect production traffic unless it has been activated.
To set up an instance
From the Production Action option, determine how unwanted traffic will be handled (i.e., block, alert, redirect, or send a custom response).
Use the Audit Profile option to test out a new security configuration. Perform one of the following steps:
An instance must be activated via Rules Engine before Web Application Firewall may assess production traffic for potential threats and ensure that traffic conforms to a specific delivery profile. This activation process is a safety measure designed to ensure the following:
WAF is only applied to requests that match the criteria defined in rules containing a Web Application Firewall feature.
Instance activation via Rules Engine provides the following benefits:
Activate an instance by performing the following steps:
Set the Web Application Firewall feature to the instance.
Consider the following items when activating an instance:
Activate the Web Application Firewall feature for each type of request that should be secured via WAF.
Determine a rule's scope (e.g., all requests or by customer origin) by balancing the need to secure as much traffic as possible with the level of restrictive measures imposed by the WAF security profile.
The recommended approach for instance activation is to apply the most restrictive policy to as much traffic as possible while causing minimal impact to data delivery.
Only a single Web Application Firewall feature should be activated per request type (e.g., all requests or origin-specific requests).
The activation/deactivation of a Web Application Firewall instance is dependent on Rules Engine. Rule changes, such as adding, modifying, or deleting a rule, may take up to an hour to propagate. Additionally, all rule changes must undergo an internal review process.